Member Protection Policy
Our club is an affiliated club with Tennis Australia. Rules and regulations are developed to ensure the safety of everyone in the sport of tennis throughout Australia. They must be followed for those who are involved at Patterson Lakes Tennis Club (the Club) whether you are a non-playing parent/guardian, player, member, and life member, you must abide by the rules of the Member Protection Policy (the Policy).
What is the Policy?
It sets behavioural standards to ensure the safety of children and all tennis players, members and life members, and non-player parents/guardians. The Policy is important for keeping our members safe when on the grounds of our club or when representing our club in any manner.
Where can I find information about this Policy?
Information about the Policy can be found here:
- Link to Tennis Australia website with video on Safe Guarding children: Safeguarding children | For Parents | Play | Tennis Australia.
- Link to full PDF of member protection policy: -Member-Protection-Policy-CLEAN-FINAL-6-Oct-2021_.pdf (
To view links, either:
- Click on the above links.
- Right click your mouse button and copy and paste the Hyperlink into your search bar.
Who can assist you with the Policy?
Our new Member Protection Officer (MPO) is Emma Robinson. Emma is available to ensure everyone abides by and is informed about the Policy. If you feel unsafe, email Emma Robinson and we will follow steps to ensure the matter is resolved accordingly.